
Nondeterministic Finite Automata(NFA)

NFA may not go to any state from the current state on reading an input symbol So this automata is called non deterministic automata.There are language rules for NFA. That rules accept or reject case check for string.

Definition of Nondeterministic Finite Automata

A= (Q, δ, Σ , s, F)


The Regular Expression M=(0+1)*01

Define NFA for M ; State(s,p,q) start state s,final state q. {q0,q1,q2} changed {s,p,q} Language {a,b} changed {0,1}

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Transition Matrix:

  0 1
s s,p s
p Ø q
q Ø Ø

( s,101)->(s,01)->({p,s},1)->(q) Accept

Transition Diagram:

Reference :

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